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Weekly Biblical encouragement for women through Delighting in the Lord Ministry. A place to find hope, encouragement and God's truth in the midst of life's hard and difficult. Blog contributors are Stacy Davis, Brenda Harris and Hedy Negron. 


Summer Quiet Time and Prayer

Brenda Harris

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest, in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1

As I embark on summer months, I enter a time of rest from the ordinary.   My children rest from going to school each day and my husband will usually take a vacation from work.  These are some of the reasons summer is my most favorite times of the year! I am excited to be home with my family and enjoy a break from school activities and sports.  I also am so happy to see the sunshine and be barefoot!  The warmer temperatures are such a welcome reprieve from the cold we experience most of the year in Pennsylvania.  I hope you too have some rest ahead and are able to get outside and take in God's beautiful creation.

I have been praying that your summer months bring deep rest as well as usher in a unique quiet time with the Lord.   I have heard from many of you that the routine of Thursday Bible study helped you to stay in God's Word but when study ends, you have to find a new routine for the summer months.  I want to encourage you to pick a book of the Bible you have always wanted to read and go through it slowly this summer.  Savor each verse and dig deeply into the things the Lord shows you.   Maybe choose the book of Ruth or Esther?  Maybe choose a Gospel?  Or what about the less talked about books like Habakkuk or Obadiah?   No matter what you choose, I know God will meet you on the pages of His Word and feed you daily.  Feel free to drop me, Stacy or Hedy an e-mail and let us know what you are studying, we always love to hear from you!  

As you close out your quiet time in prayer each day with the Lord, please remember us at Delighting In the Lord.  We have several specific requests we would appreciate you covering in your prayer time.

  • Brenda and Stacy leave to write our upcoming study on the book of Acts.  We will be away May 15-18. May God speak to our hearts and put onto the pages what He wants written.  Protection as us we travel, our families and three days we are away.
  • Please pray for Meg Horst, our worship leader.  Meg, her husband Nelson, and their children are headed to the country of Swaziland in Africa sometime in mid to late July.  They are going on what is known as a "survey trip" for 10 days.  While there, they will be meeting with the staff already in place as well as seeking the Lord to confirm their commitment  to being full-time missionaries in Swaziland for two years. If you would, please pray over these specifics:
    • Preparations to leave (passports, time off from work, vaccinations, financial provisions)
    • General health, wellness and safety in their travels
    • Meg and Nelson's three children (new culture, time change, vision of living there full-time)
    • Confirmation of their calling and unity with the staff already in place
    • Divine opportunities to bless the missionaries and the people of Swaziland.
    • If you feel led, you may make a contribution of any size to the Horst's at:  
      • Calvary Chapel Chester Springs, PO Box 595, Eagle, PA  19341.  (Please indicate on your check that the donation is for the Horst's trip to Swaziland.)
  • Stacy and Ben Davis are headed to Papua New Guinea July 8-22.  Please cover them in the following ways:
    • Travel (four airplane trips and 26 hours of travel and the 15 hour time change)
    • Physical safety and health
    • Opportunities to share the gospel
    • Women's retreat Stacy is teaching July 15-16 on Joshua 1:9
    • Ben's safety while helping with construction and ministering to the children

Stacy will be sending updates through this blog while she and Ben are away by giving us updates on how to pray as well as what God is doing in and through them.  It will be exciting to watch this trip unfold!  

I will miss seeing each of you regularly on Thursday's but please know you are not far from my thoughts and prayers.  You are precious and very dearly loved.  Enjoy the summer!!

Much love,  
