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Breast Cancer

In April 2010, Stacy Davis found a lump in her right breast later to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. She wrote on a personal blog entitled "His Way, Not Mine" during her diagnosis, treatment, surgery and reconstruction. The blog posts have since been moved to Delighting in the Lord in the hopes of ministering to anyone walking through breast cancer. 


Stacy Davis

(Previously published July 14, 2010)

Just wanted to let you know that my surgery is scheduled for 1:00PM, Thursday, July 15th at Chester County Hospital. I have to be at the hospital at 8:30AM. I will undergo a double mastectomy, reconstruction with tissue expanders and lymph node biopsy. 

I humbly ask for your prayers over my surgery. 

For divine healing from the mighty hand of our Father, if this is His will for me. 

That my lymph nodes would come back clear of cancer. 

That the doctors would have clarity of mind and steady hands. 

That God would manage the pain and surround me with loving, gentle nurses.

For a quick and complication/infection free recovery.

That God would put a hedge about my home while I am away and protect my children and their precious hearts. That He would bring them comfort and bring verses to their minds. 

That God would bless all the hands and the feet that are serving so humbly and willingly my family while I am in the hospital through meals, tangible needs and with the children. 

That God all I do and say would bring honor and glory to my King. That He would be exalted.

That God would give me His perfect peace and "perfect love casts out fear." 

1 John 4:18

That God would "perfect, establish, strengthen and settle me"...1 Peter 5:10

That I would "Be Still and know that He is God." "The Lord of hosts is with us (me)" Psalm 46:10,11

Thank you for praying on my behalf. 

Much love,
