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Breast Cancer

In April 2010, Stacy Davis found a lump in her right breast later to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. She wrote on a personal blog entitled "His Way, Not Mine" during her diagnosis, treatment, surgery and reconstruction. The blog posts have since been moved to Delighting in the Lord in the hopes of ministering to anyone walking through breast cancer. 

All I Can Say is Thank You!

Stacy Davis

(Previously published September 27, 2010)

Thank you for the outpouring of love upon our family these past 4 months in so many ways. 

Thank you for giving so generously, supporting my sister as she ran her heart out for breast cancer, as she crossed that finish line for me this weekend. You've helped alleviate some of our financial burden of co-pays, deductibles, and hospital expenses. And to the anonymous sister in Christ who sent a financial gift to our home, if you are reading....I have no words, only tears of gratitude, a heart filled to overflowing with thanksgiving. As Jesus said, "inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Thank you. 

Thank you for your daily prayers and words of encouragement. You truly are God's hands and feet to us right now and we are eternally grateful. 

Thank you for checking in on me, emailing me and just sending your love. I've said it before and I say it again, "my heart is full." 

Thank you for letting me be me. Somedays, I'm not sure who me much is new and yet so much is the same. 

Thank you for holding my hand as there are many days on this journey that my hand needs a tight squeeze.

Thank you for your love and support. 

I pray you know how much you are loved right back. You are each a gift, a treasure, a token of God's grace. 

All I can say is "thank you" from the bottom of my heart. 

Much love,
